This is the village of Los Cobanos, El Salvador. Its one hundred residents live with the sea at their doorstep. With a country in turmoil at their backs, fishing defines and sustains life.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Living Water International visits village

Our effort to get clean drinking water to Los Cobanos is starting to pay off. Representatives from Living Water International visited the village in early June to brief residents on the hopeful installation of biosand filters for drinking water. Living Water presented the concept of the filters and discussed the importance of developing local capacity for perpetual maintenance and education.

Residents turned out in strong numbers and are energized by this potential partnership. My goal right now is to raise funds to purchase filters for their homes and ensure that a training and maintenance program is created. This summer, I'll be soliciting funds from friends and colleagues so this system can be built as soon as possible.

Thanks for your continued help!

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