This is the village of Los Cobanos, El Salvador. Its one hundred residents live with the sea at their doorstep. With a country in turmoil at their backs, fishing defines and sustains life.

Friday, February 22, 2008

A Great Trip

I'm back from a fantastic and intense five days at Los Cobanos, El Salvador. Thanks to all your generosity (and to the TACA Airlines for waiving baggage fees), I delivered to the villagers 160 pounds of clothes and soccer equipment, financial support to Neto's family, and jewelry tools and supplies for Neto's wife Irma. The boy, pictured at left, wears one of the donated shirts. In addition, I also started a fund for the village's water and sewer needs.

In the coming days, I'll be posting more photos and comments on the trip, the village, and the people in El Salvador.

Stay tuned.

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